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Regesta S.A. About us - Complete Logistics Operator
Regesta S.A. About us - Complete Logistics Operator
Regesta S.A. About us - Complete Logistics Operator

Complete Logistics Operator

Regesta SA has been in existence since 1995, during which time a nationally and internationally recognised group of companies has emerged from a small transport company to form the Regesta Group.

The companies provide full supply chain services in the field of road transport of goods, sea freight organisation, comprehensive container and customs services at the Baltic Hub Gdansk, as well as warehousing and distribution, constantly expanding the scope of their activities.

Over the 29 years of our existence, we have developed a reputation in EU countries and worldwide as a reliable, honest and trustworthy partner, becoming a leader in the TSL market.

In addition to a full range of services in the TSL industry, Regesta Group is active on many other levels, including as a developer or investor in RES. We are also involved in the wholesale and retail sale of liquid fuels.

The group currently employs almost 700 people and we are one of the largest employers in the region. The employees form a close-knit team of competent and committed professionals who always play as a team. If you are looking for a company that focuses on partnership and business security, we have your own Project Manager, supported by a team of professionals. And if you are looking for an interesting and inspiring place to work - check out who we need.

Regesta is also an active participant in cultural and social life. We are a sponsor and partner of many sports. We actively support as a company and also as the Regesta Gesta Association various charitable and cultural projects, foundations, schools and kindergartens. We strive to help those who need help the most.

Regesta S.A. About us

experienced employees

Regesta S.A. About us - Mission

Our company's mission is to provide services whose quality, attractiveness and modernity will ensure the partners' full satisfaction and the Company's successful development. We operate on the principles of healthy and fair competition and respect for good manners and the legitimate interests of the client. The overriding value is respect and care for human needs in contacts inside and outside the organisation.

Regesta S.A. About us - Vision

We want to be a leader in the quality of our transport services and logistics solutions. Acting responsibly, we aim to continually improve the value of the company, ensure business satisfaction for our partners and safety for our employees and the community.

Mission, values and the right direction

You give us trust, we take care of the rest!


Our company places great emphasis on collaboration, both internally and externally with customers and suppliers. We strive to create a solid network of partners on a global scale, ensuring the smooth and safe flow of cargo. We believe that only through cooperation based on trust and respect can mutual benefits be achieved. When you choose our company, you are choosing a partnership that exceeds expectations!


We are constantly looking for optimal solutions, tailoring to the unique and even most demanding needs of our clients. We provide efficient, timely and secure services. Our recipe for a successful collaboration is based on efficiency, excellence and individual customisation.


Our company does not use ready-made schemes. Understanding the diversity of our clients' needs, we approach each order individually. If you appreciate dedicated solutions tailored to your business, choose us. With us, transport and logistics become a unique experience, created especially for you.


We are a team dedicated to professionalism, ready to meet our client's expectations. Our work is always carried out with the utmost commitment, precision and accuracy. We are constantly honing our skills to provide the highest level of service. You can trust us to experience a service whose standard is perfection.

Business ethics

Our actions are geared towards adhering to ethical principles. We implement moral standards in all decisions we make. We focus on fair customer relations, transparency in transactions, care for our employees and sustainability, taking into account the community and the environment.

years of experience
130thousand sq.m
of warehouse space
own transport units
kilometres per day
orders per year
experienced forwarders and dispatchers
1 goal
customer satisfaction

Ty dajesz nam zaufanie,
my zajmujemy się resztą,
napisz do nas, a nasi specjaliści
odpowiedzą na wszystkie
Twoje pytania.