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Zapytaj o cenę

What makes us different?

With the dynamic development of our business and the launch of our full-service warehouse in Gdansk by the Baltic Hub port, our own Customs Agency and Customs Warehouse, REGESTA offers flexible solutions in the organisation of transport and sea freight forwarding together with full, accompanying operational services: port, customs, warehouse, both for FCL and LCL freight.

We apply innovative solutions in the field of sea freight planning, thanks to which we guarantee reliability and punctuality of deliveries, comprehensively adjusting the offer to the individual needs of a customer.

We organise container shipments and handle intercontinental exports and imports to and from Europe's most dynamically developing port, Baltic Hub Gdańsk.

Our strong position as a logistics operator and European leader in supply chain organisation fully enables us to meet our customers' needs in a door-to-door service, using our own road and sea transport organisation resources as well as our own warehousing services to create dedicated multimodal solutions.

Thanks to our extensive network of maritime transport agents, we are able to guarantee competitive freight rates to out customers.


Why choose us?

We offer:

  • import and export handling,
  • logistics operations and transport capabilities in major European ports: Gdansk, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg,
  • organisation of transports from major ports in China,
  • customs clearance,
  • cooperation with major shipping companies,
  • individualised offers for full container loads (FCL) and less than container loads (LCL), regardless of volume,
  • organisation of the entire supply chain, door-to-door.


Safe transport

Safe transport

Insured cargo

Order a free transport valuation

Our specialists will prepare a non-binding offer for truck transport of your goods

Regesta S.A.
Our transport fleet

Our Fleet

Currently, REGESTA S.A. has its own fleet of 340 tractor units and 375 semi-trailers. See....