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Zapytaj o cenę

World-class IT systems

The IT solutions implemented by Regesta S.A. to support the TSL industry are distinguished by their reliability and ease of use. Thanks to them, we can execute transport and logistics orders more efficiently and effectively, and the trust of customers towards our company continues to grow.

Main advantages of our system are:

  • Access to the Customer Portal (24h/7),
  • Integrated ERP class system,
  • Possible integration with the systems of our clients,
  • Dedicated individually-designed solutions,
  • Telematics system.
Regesta S.A. IT solutions
Regesta S.A. IT solutions

GPRS navigation system

Connectivity with all of our company's vehicles is provided by cell phones making it possible to get in touch with drivers at any time and ensuring an uninterrupted flow of information on the services being provided.

In all of our own transport units, we have implemented an Integrated Fleet Management System based on GPRS technology which provides, amongs others, the possibility of constant monitoring of the location of the vehicle and the work of the driver and thus ensures greater security of the transported cargo.

Customer Zone

The dynamic development of our company prompted us to implement IT solutions to optimise business and logistics processes. As a result, we present a modern platform curated specifically for the clients of Regesta S.A.

Regesta S.A. IT solutions

Dedicated Operational Solutions

Depending on the preferences of our clients and their expectations, we are able to introduce customised IT solutions to improve the handling of the logistics processes.

Optimised telematics solutions

In 2016, we implemented a TMS Transportation Management System through Interlan's Speed program, which is fully integrated with the latest TRANSICS telematics solutions. As a result, we can increase the efficiency and profitability of the logistics processes, improve the driving style and make it safer and more environmentally friendly.