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Regesta S.A. Environmental protection - A hero wears a bag!

A hero wears a bag!

Every year, on Earth Day, we organise an environment cleaning initiative in our beautiful city. This year we cleaned up Góra Zamkowa (eng. Castle Mountain). In 2022, together with our friends from Ukraine, we decided to clean up the area around our lake. Thanks to the great commitment of all our volunteers, we cleaned the entire area. This made our city even more beautiful.

Regesta S.A. Environmental protection - Green CSR

Green CSR

We are systematically adapting to the requirements of sustainable and balanced development by integrating environmental protection and pollution prevention. Our entire fleet meets strict Euro 6 emission standards, we use renewable energy sources, and we monitor and reduce gas and water consumption. Issues of safety and the company's impact on the environment are key to us and environmental management is an important part of our business strategy. Taking into account social responsibility, we comply with the applicable law and seek solutions that exceed its standards. We implement the principles of eco-driving, spread awareness of CSR among employees and company car users, and strive to develop a "responsible attitude" among drivers, i.e. to make them aware of impact, causality and responsibility, and raise awareness in this area.

Regesta S.A. Environmental protection - Twist and help

Twist and help

You don't have to own much to share with others, so we joined the "Nakręć się na pomaganie" (eng. Twist and help) campaign. heart
At our petrol station in Pińczów and in the center of the market, we have set up 2 giant hearts heart heart, into which you can throw plastic bottle caps.
We collect bottle caps, and at the same time - we help those in need and take care of the environment.
Collecting bottle caps is one of the most popular charity-environmental actions, combining pleasant and useful. We sell the collected bottle-tops to a recycling company, which converts them into pellets, and the money received is used for treatment, rehabilitation or specialized equipment for those in need.
"The world today needs more sensitive hearts for human injustice and suffering, because pain has no mercy."
Regesta S.A. Environmental protection - Investing in Renewable Energy Sources

Investing in Renewable Energy Sources

Out of concern for our planet, we have decided to invest in green energy production. Our subsidiary, Solar-R, has built and put into operation 3 photovoltaic farms located in our region. The first, was built in Lesica, Piekoszów municipality, while the second and third were constructed in Bogucice, Pińczów municipality. The first farm, with a capacity of 2MW, is located on an area of 3.5ha, the other two, with a capacity of 15.2MW, cover an area of 25ha. All farms are capable of covering the electricity needs of 8,415 households. The daily CO2 emission reduction of our farms exceeds 14,054 tons!