In cooperation with the Avalon Foundation, we are pleased to participate in a project called "Droga do aktywności" (eng. Road to Activity), which aims to stimulate vocational activity and prepare people with disabilities to function independently in society. We want to motivate people with disabilities and show them how to take the first step to begin their professional path.
Every year, our company is an active participant in the next Grand Finale of the Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (eng. Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity). We donate many attractive items for auction, organise rides in our trucks for the youngest, sponsor meals and various activities, and bid on items from the auction store.
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Thanks to the efforts of our employees - soccer enthusiasts - we set up a company futbot team REGESTA. Already after the first trainings it was clear to us that such activity is not only the realisation of football passion, but also an excellent way to integrate. So we decided to use this patent to integrate the business community as well, which is why we have consistently competed in a football tournament organised by a friendly company in the industry for several years. At the same time, we are also very keen to participate in charity games and local meetings. We are consistent not only in operations, so we have once again met in the annual games, taking high places.
Out of concern for our youngest, we have taken over the patronage of the kindergarten "Świetlik" from Skowronno Dolne. Together with a wonderful staff of teachers and caregivers, we strive to put a broad smile on the faces of kids.
Regesta actively supports people who promote a healthy lifestyle. One of them is Paweł Szymański, who represents the colors of the Busko-Zdrój police force on a daily basis, and in his free time rides in the Polish Championships with a T-shirt with our company logo. Paweł has proven more than once that it is possible to go far with hard work, and he successively brings back more medals from each competition.
All eastern martial arts are close to our heart and notably, clubs in our area rank high in international competitions. That's why we decided to help one of our residents - a competitor of the Pińczów Shorin-Ryu Club, Jacek Strączkiewicz to make a name for himself in the world. And we were not disappointed, once again the Polish team took first place.
As our company put notable emphasis on road safety, we can't forget about the youngest road users as well. In cooperation with the District Police Station in Pińczów, we managed to meet with kids from the Elementary School in Stępocice and Węchadłów. We handed over the vests we bought, reflective armbands, and for children a little older we also prepared bags with reflective elements.
REGESTA has consistently conducted its policy in such a way as to safely climb up. Therefore, we also try to support others who, like us, are heading towards such a path which is why we are also present amongst the Świętokrzyski Klub Alpinistyczny (eng. Holy Cross Mountaineering Club).
We have fantastic, capable and intelligent young people, so we couldn't miss the organisation in Kielce MUN, or Simulation of the UN Sessions. During the deliberations, young people from all over the world proceeded with resolutions affecting the promotion of sustainable development.