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Wholesale and retail sale of fuels

Wholesale and retail sale of fuels

We are a reliable partner with many years of experience in the wholesale and retail sale of liquid fuels, gas and heating oil for heating systems. We offer comprehensive solutions in fuel trading, tailored to individual customer needs.

  • We provide high quality fuels, timely deliveries, competitive prices and reliable support.
  • We trade in fuels on the basis of a concession issued by the Energy Regulatory Authority

Choose our company and benefit from a reliable partner in the fuel industry!


Direct supply of fuel

Direct supply of fuel

In terms of diesel and petrol distribution, we offer:

  • top quality fuel from domestic producers
  • regular deliveries at wholesale prices
  • order processing starting from 200l
  • transport costs included in the price

Depending on the individual needs and technical possibilities of the customer, we deliver fuels to:

  • attested existing tanks adapted for storing fuel
  • tanks supplied by our company 

We ensure continuity of refuelling and full administration of the entire system. We lease the fuel tanks together with the distributors free of charge, ensuring exclusivity for their filling.

On request, we also regularly deliver and refuel special-purpose machinery and equipment. We have a modern fleet and qualified personnel to deliver fuel efficiently, safely and on time even to the most extreme locations.

Trusted by:

  • production plants
  • transport companies
  • mines
  • farms
  • individual customers

Delivery time:

  • from 200 to 500l - up to 2 days;
  • over 500l - up to 24 hours.
Fuel oil

Fuel oil

We are a member of the Network of Authorised Distributors of diesel fuel for heating purposes.

We have been offering excellent quality products in continuous sales for many years. We have qualified staff to deliver the ordered products safely and on time.

We are trusted by:

  • large companies
  • small family businesses
  • public institutions /public tenders/
  • individual customers

We have a diverse fleet, so we can deliver the fuel you need in a large tanker or a small distribution vehicle. We always meet customer expectations and tailor our offer to individual needs.

Fuel oil delivery dates are agreed individually with each customer, according to expectations.

Why should you trust us?

  • Competitive prices
  • Top quality of fuel offered
  • Deliveries using a modern, GPS-monitored fleet with systematically verified fuel dispensing systems
  • Trained staff who are always willing to help to ensure the highest quality and safety standards
  • Continuity and punctuality of deliveries
  • Flexibility and speed
  • Support in completing SENT formalities, setting up a PUESC account, as well as all fuel-related issues

Choose our company and benefit from a reliable fuel partner!

Fuel station

Fuel station

In addition to wholesale fuel sales, REGESTA also offers its customers retail sales of liquid fuels and gas at a modern city station.

Our Petrol Station, is a place where refuelling is not only a routine need to fill up the tank, but also an opportunity for a unique experience! With us, refuelling becomes a pleasure!

In addition to top quality fuel at attractive prices, we also offer professional service and a friendly atmosphere. 

Why choose our Petrol Station?

  • Lowest prices in the area
  • Attractive discounts for regular customers
  • Non-cash settlements for corporate customers
  • Excellent quality fuels
  • MOL Move loyalty programme
  • Convenient location
  • Rich catering offer
  • Qualified and helpful staff
  • Well-stocked shop
  • Most modern car wash with cashless payment option
  • Efficient service points - compressor and car hoover

LOTOS Premium petrol station in Pinczow

ul. Nowowiejska 48, 28-400 Pińczów
by the roadside nr 766 Kielce-Pińczów,

tel.: +48 41 358 27 16
e-mail: p114@stacje.lotospaliwa.pl

 Stacja Lotos Pińczów

Open: 24 hours a day

Fuel department

ul. Nowowiejska 52, 28-400 Pińczów
tel.: +48 41 358 27 41
tel: +48 797 014 020
e-mail: paliwa@regesta.pl

Open: Monday-Saturday 6.00-22.00