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Zapytaj o cenę


We are a transport pioneer in the field of photovoltaics. REGESTA inovatively organises transports of photovoltaic modules from European seaports to warehouses dedicated for customers and to installation sites of large farms in Poland and abroad. Additionally, we distribute farm equipment for home photovoltaic installation and execute sea transport of panels from China to Europe.

Regesta S.A. Specialisations - Photovoltaics

Why choose us?

We are the leader in European logistics services and will provide comprehensive logistics services for any INCOTERMS regulation.

We offer competitive rates for the same services compared to Western European ports.

We use our own trucks, warehouses and qualified specialists - this guarantees full security of shipments.

We can solve your problems with inefficient Western European ports using Baltic Hub Gdansk.

We are located in Poland, in the heart of Europe - the best location to organise your supply chain to all European countries.


What makes us different?

We offer full supply chain solutions for your shipments to european consignees. 
  1. Container imports
  2. Maritime transports
  3. Full port services
  4. Comprehensive customs services
  5. Bonded warehouse
  6. Storage and assembly of goods
  7. Delivery to your destinations in Poland and Europe
Sheet metal in coils

Sheet metal in coils

We specialize in transportation using coilmulde semi-trailers. Our customers in this area are production and trade companies mainly from the steel industry (transport of coils, steel shafts, etc.).



We also have a significant number of trailers with hydraulically lifted roofs (including coilmuldas), which enable loading of elements and structures up to 3m high. They are used, among other things, to service contracts with automotive companies for transporting car parts (Just In Time deliveries).