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Zapytaj o cenę

Modern fleet

We have a modern fleet of 300 of our own tractor units, of the renowned DAF, VOLVO and SCANIA brands. We are systematically modernising our fleet, introducing new technologies and management systems in order to increase the safety of our drivers, as well as that of the loads transported.

Security of entrusted consignments

Freight is covered by road haulier's liability insurance in both national and international traffic, as well as shipper's liability insurance. Each load is also constantly monitored thanks to state-of-the-art equipment installed in the cabs of our vehicles.

Latest generation technologies

Our telematics systems and the continuous implementation of IT solutions to support transport and forwarding allow us to fully optimise our own work, so that customer confidence in our company continues to grow.

Safe transport
Insured cargo


Continuous monitoring.



Improving contact with drivers.



Technical maintenance of vehicles.



Management of own fleet.

What do you gain by choosing to work with us?

  • Individual offer - unconventional solutions for the customer
  • Speed - fast response/communication/decisioning
  • Availability - own fleet with modern telematics
  • Sustainability and responsibility - our vehicles meet strict technical and environmental standards (EURO 6 certification), we report our carbon footprint
  • Adaptability - adapting vehicle/dimensions to the load
  • Cost optimisation - ability to react flexibly and change plans quickly
Regesta S.A. Road transport - What do you gain by choosing to work with us?
  • Expert advice - we advise on the routes to choose and the documents needed
  • Specialist drivers trained by us
  • Security - cargo is insured and can be monitored via the GPRS system
  • Guarantee of high quality - ISO certificates, numerous awards and distinctions
  • Trust - we are members of the largest chambers of industry and commerce and forwarding and transport platforms worldwide
  • Full digitalisation - automation of many processes 

As part of the transport, we provide the following services:

  • FTL (full truckload)
  • LTL (less-than-truckload)
  • ADR (carriage of dangerous goods)
  • STANDBY (semi-trailer working for a customer)
  • TIME FLOW (loading and unloading at a specific time)
  • JUST-IN-TIME (continuous deliveries, even several times a day)
Regesta S.A. Road transport - As part of the transport, we provide the following services:

Are you interested in price, flexibility and professionalism?
Write or call us.

Are you looking for the right partner for your domestic transport needs? Then you have come to the right place!

In order to provide high quality service and adapt to the requirements of our customers, we have a network of branches located throughout Poland. Each stage of the order's realisation is supervised by experienced forwarding agents, who take care of the smooth course of transport and the safety of the transported goods.

Regesta S.A. Road transport - Are you looking for the right partner for your domestic transport needs? Then you have come to the right place!

Are you looking for a suitable partner for international transport? Then you have come to the right place!

International road transport covers European countries, with European Union countries being the main direction of service. In addition, REGESTA carries out transports to, among others, Switzerland, Serbia and other countries, depending on the needs and expectations of our customers.

Regesta S.A. Road transport - Are you looking for a suitable partner for international transport? Then you have come to the right place!

Do you want a partner who will always help you with any problems that arise in transport?

Because we have our own fleet with modern telematics, we react quickly to changes related to loading/unloading/handling. In addition, we dedicate a single business mentor to you, who offers expert assistance in all matters relating to the transport order, giving you peace of mind in the execution of each transport.

Regesta S.A. Road transport - Do you want a partner who will always help you with any problems that arise in transport?

Do you care about the safety of your wares?

We prioritise the protection of your loads, which we cover with insurance and constantly monitor via GPRS. What's more, we have specialised, in-house trained drivers who undergo full induction training and regular refresher training to provide valuable skills and experience in their daily work, ensuring not only safety on the road, but also the proper protection of your goods.

Regesta S.A. Road transport - Do you care about the safety of your wares?

Need an offer tailored to your needs and requirements?

We will prepare an individual offer for you that meets your business goals. If you need unconventional solutions, you will find them with us. We are ready for any adaptations such as adjusting the car/car dimensions for your cargo. With us, you also get the flexibility to react and change plans quickly, allowing you to optimise your costs. 

Regesta S.A. Road transport - Need an offer tailored to your needs and requirements?

Do you want to know the best route to take to optimise your freight?

We offer you expert advice on the choice of routes. We will tell you what documents you will need when passing through specific border points. We thus reduce your transport costs and let you choose the route you prefer.

Regesta S.A. Road transport - Do you want to know the best route to take to optimise your freight?

Looking for a partner that cares about the environment?

We implement a policy of reducing our carbon footprint and report our greenhouse gas emissions annually. Our fleet meets the strictest technical and environmental standards. Every tractor unit is certified to meet EURO 6 emission standards, demonstrating our commitment to environmental friendliness. Working with us is your step in making more informed decisions aimed at your sustainability and efficient logistics. 

Regesta S.A. Road transport - Looking for a partner that cares about the environment?

Are you looking forward to working with a partner who is aware and versed in all changes in legislation?

We are certified members of the largest and most influential Foreign Chambers of Commerce and Industry, as well as forwarding and transport platforms worldwide. We continuously monitor legal developments and produce regulatory alerts for our clients, so we can meet your expectations for effective cooperation in accordance with the regulations. 

Regesta S.A. Road transport - Are you looking forward to working with a partner who is aware and versed in all changes in legislation?
Our transport fleet

Our Fleet

Currently, REGESTA S.A. has its own fleet of 340 tractor units and 375 semi-trailers. See....