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Zapytaj o cenę

Quality and Environmental

REGESTA S.A. provides professional services in road transport, national and international forwarding, contract logistics and supply chain management as well as  wholesale and retail sales of liquid fuels.

Our mission is to strive to fully meet both current and future requirements and expectations of our customers and, by following the path of a responsible business, to build our high position among companies with a similar company profile. We are constantly expanding the scope of our services, investing in modern technical solutions and constantly developing and improving our management system, based on ISO 9001 standards and good practices developed in-house.

Our processes and work are carried out in harmony with the environmental conditions and expectations of the stakeholder groups.

Regesta S.A. Quality policy
Regesta S.A. Quality policy

Management System according to ISO standards

The received ISO 9001 certificates further verify the high quality of services provided by our company.

The scope of certification includes:
  • Freight transport by truck,
  • National and international freight forwarding,
  • Wholesale and retail sale of liquid fuels.

ISO 9001


We constantly develop and improve
our management system

Efficient communication

with customers, suppliers and employees, as well as continuous improvement of internal processes and organisational solutions.


Efficient use of energy

carrying out transport processes and fuel sales with the effective use of energy, resources and materials, preventing losses and pollution.


Cost optimisation

optimising the costs of running a business by continuously reducing the consumption of natural resources, implementing new technical solutions, taking into account environmental protection requirements.


timely execution of our clients' orders while maintaining the highest quality of services.


Expansion of the transport fleet

in order to ensure failure-free, impeccable aesthetics and care for the natural environment, we constantly renew our vehicle fleet - currently in the EURO 6 emission standard.



compliance with necessary requirements, i.e. environmental protection or continuous improvement of the safety of transported goods.


Environmental protection

staff's engagement in the processes of improving the quality of services and environmental conditions.

The policy of REGESTA S.A. company group is declared by the its management which provides the necessary funds and resources, whilst its implementation depends on the involvement of all employees and subcontractors in the application of the established rules. Every stakeholder is aware of the quality and environmental requirements as well as the company's tasks. Our policy is available to all interested parties.