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Our Fleet

REGESTA Group operates with a modern fleet of 296 of its own tractor-trailers, of the renowned DAF and VOLVO brands.

The fleet includes:
  • 256 standard type tractors
  • 40 low-deck tractors
Regesta S.A. Fleet

Euro 6 certificates

All of our vehicles guarantee full reliability. Their average age does not exceed 2 years. Our fleet meets the strictest technical and ecological standards. Each tractor units possesses the EURO 6 certificate and is equipped with continuous GPRS monitoring system and uninterrupted communication with the base. We systematically modernise our fleet by implementing newest technologies and management systems, ultimately increasing the safety of our drivers and transported cargo. 


Our fleet includes 333 Wielton semi-trailers with the average age of 3 years.

Types of the semi-trailers:

  • 155 units of standard-coil mulda
  • 50 units of mega-trailers with hydraulically raised roofs
  • 130 units of Coil Master Strong Light
  • 4 units of mega-trailers with integrated system BDE (Back Door Extension)


  • Standard Coilmulde
  • Standard Coilmulde
  • Standard Coilmulde

Standard Coilmulde

Internal dimensions:13.6m x 2.45m x 2.75m
Volume capacity:91.6m3
Euro-pallete capacity:33 palletes
Cargo capacity:up to 24 tonnes
Mulda length:9.5m


These trailers allow the transportation of any type of goods. Their main advantage is a fast-retractable tarpaulin and a system for transporting sheet metal in coils. As standard, each semi-trailer has 5 fields for loading coils, the number depends on the length of the rolls.


  • Mega Coilmulde
  • Mega Coilmulde
  • Mega Coilmulde
  • Mega Coilmulde

Mega Coilmulde

Internal dimensions:13.6m x 2.45m x 3m
Volume capacity:100m3
Euro-pallete capacity:33 palletes
Cargo capacity:up to 24 tonnes
Mulda length:9.5m


Mega trailers, similarly to the standard ones, are used to transport any type of goods, but due to the increased cubic capacity they are adapted to carry spatial cargo. Additionally, the hydraulically lifted roof gives the possibility to load goods up to 3 meters high at the side and rear of the trailer.


  • Coil Master Strong Light
  • Coil Master Strong Light
  • Coil Master Strong Light

Coil Master Strong Light

Internal dimensions:13,6m x 2,45m x 2,7m
Volume capacity:89.96m3
Euro-pallete capacity:33 palletes
Cargo capacity:up to 24.5 tonnes
Mulda length:9m


Following our advice, Wielton has created standard Coilmulde semi-trailers which have been slimmed down by almost 500 kilograms, giving them a working title of Rynna Regesta (eng. Culvert Regesta). Thanks to the extra kilograms, you can now load palletised goods of a higher weight in one direction, and on the return trip take metal coils that cannot be transported in a regular curtainsider semi-trailer.


  • Mega BDE

Mega BDE

Internal dimensions:13,6m x 2,45m x 3m
Volume capacity:100m3
Euro-pallete capacity:33 palletes
Cargo capacity:up to 24 tonnes
Mulda length:9.5m


These mega trailers are designated for transporting any type of cargo, but are additionally equipped with the BDE (Back Door Extension) system. Thanks to it, we can use the entire cargo space and additionally enables easier loading of goods, mainly household appliances. The extended rear portal increases access to the interior of the semi-trailer, which affects the speed and ease of loading goods. Semi-trailers of this type are also used to transport construction containers.