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Zapytaj o cenę

Logistics Operator of the Year 2023

Regesta received an award in the Logistics Operator of the Year Research Programme in the ‘Customer Supply Chain Management Experience’ category at the 22nd Logistics, Transport and Production Gala.

The Logistics, Transport and Production Gala is one of the most important events for the TSL industry, which rewards the best Logistics Operators of the Year, so this is a great accolade for us and shows that our logistics activities are going in the right direction. It's also motivation to continue to improve in this area. 

Logistics Operator of the Year 2023


Eagles Wprost 2024

Eagles Wprost 2024

Regesta was awarded the ORŁY WPROST prize in the category of Family Firm in the Świętokrzyskie voivodship. The award was collected on our behalf by Grzegorz Dudała, Director of the Legal Department at our company.

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Logistics Operator of the Year 2023

Logistics Operator of the Year 2023

Regesta received an award in the Logistics Operator of the Year Research Programme in the ‘Customer Supply Chain Management Experience’ category at the 22nd Logistics, Transport and Manufacturing Gala.

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TSL ranking of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2023

TSL ranking of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2023

The REGESTA Group has once again been recognised in the TSL ranking, this time in the category ‘Revenue from declared main activity - road freight forwarding’.

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Family Company Forum 2022

Family Company Forum 2022

Regesta S.A. awarded in the Forbes monthly FORUM OF FAMILY COMPANIES 2022 ranking.

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Innovation Award

Innovation Award

"Rzeczpospolita" TSL Award for Innovations in Logistics.

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TSL ranking of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2022

TSL ranking of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2022

REGESTA Group once again recognised in the TSL ranking in the "Revenue from declared main activity - road transport" category.

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Forbes Diamonds 2022

Forbes Diamonds 2022



Regesta scores again, this time in the category of the świętokrzyskie voivodeship we achieved the 1st place.

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Leader of Social Economy 2021

Leader of Social Economy 2021

Honourable mention in the category of Pro-social Business - Medium and Large Enterprises.

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Eagles of Transport 2021

Eagles of Transport 2021

First place in the Orły Transportu ranking.

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Pure Heart

Pure Heart

We are proud to inform that Gesty Regest our volunteer group has been honoured with Czyste Serce (Pure Heart) award.

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Polish Entrepreneurs Leader

Polish Entrepreneurs Leader

Especially highly prized certificate joined our wall of recognition. 

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Certificate of a Trustworthy Company 2021

Certificate of a Trustworthy Company 2021

Yet another award we are proud to have!

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Ranking TSL Dziennika Gazety Prawnej 2020

Ranking TSL Dziennika Gazety Prawnej 2020

Once again we have been placed among the strongest and most signifiant companies operating in our sector.

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Certificate of Business Credibility 2020

Certificate of Business Credibility 2020

We are happily to claim another certification attesting to our trustworthiness.

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Honourable award „Meritorious for transport of the Republic of Poland”

Honourable award „Meritorious for transport of the Republic of Poland”

Our CEO Rafał Kwiecień has been awarded the highest recognition for any transport entrepreneur.

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Credible Company Certificate GOLD 2020

Credible Company Certificate GOLD 2020

Another medal - this time a gold one!

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Eagles of Transport 2019

Eagles of Transport 2019

First place in the Orły Transportu 2019 ranking.

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Certificate of a Trustworthy Company 2020

Certificate of a Trustworthy Company 2020

We are extremely pleased to announce that we have joined the group of companies holding the Certificate of
Trustworthy Company.
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Forbes Diamonds 2019

Forbes Diamonds 2019

Our Company was among the winners of this year's Forbes Diamonds 2019 ranking.

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Certificate of Business Credibility 2018

Certificate of Business Credibility 2018

We are pleased to announce that our company has been awarded the Certificate of Business Credibility 2018.

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TSL ranking of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2018

TSL ranking of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2018

Regesta Group was awarded an honourable mention in the TSL ranking. 

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Gazelles of Business 2018

Gazelles of Business 2018

We are pleased to announce that, as in 2017, we have been awarded the Business Gazelle. 

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Golden 100 2017

Golden 100 2017

Once more, REGESTA S.A. has been included in the list of the Golden 100, i.e. among the largest companies in the Świętokrzyskie region in terms of revenue achieved for 2017.

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Export Eagle 2016

Export Eagle 2016

We are very pleased to announce that on 25.10.2016 we were awarded the prize of the Export Eagle of the Świętokrzyskie region in the category "Best Exporter".
Thus, we were among the Świętokrzyskie companies that have recently contributed most to the revival of Polish exports.
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ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015

As a result of a recertification audit conducted in August 2018, our company received a positive recommendation from an independent auditor to receive a certificate confirming the compliance of the functioning management system with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

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Golden 100 2015

Golden 100 2015

In 2015, REGESTA S.A. topped the Ranking of the Largest Companies of the Świętokrzyskie Province in the Service Industry category.

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Gazelles of Business

Gazelles of Business

REGESTA company in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2016 and 2017 was included in the prestigious group of Business Gazelles. This confirms the company's membership in the group of the most dynamically developing companies.

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Gold Certificate of Reliability 2012

Gold Certificate of Reliability 2012

The Golden Certificates of Reliability program is organised by Reliable Company under the auspices of, among others, the National Debt Register and the honorary patronage of the Minister of Economy.

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Top 1500

Top 1500

The Top 1500 research program has been organized since 2004 by the research agency Data Group Consulting and the Eurologistics publishing house. The purpose of the program is to identify the most effective management strategies in transportation and logistics and to promote the best companies in the market.

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